My wish list is a bit of a WIP in itself, constantly changing as I read other people’s blogs and see what they’re stitching. If I’m not careful, it could reach epic proportions! Two examples from today:
1. I visited Barbara’s blog earlier today (I’d love to know what the design is under the Red Reindeer Sampler), and curious to see more of the Red Reindeer Sampler (which hasn’t quite made the wish list), I did a bit of googling which led me to someone’s webshots album which led me to rediscover I Luv Moo’s Snowdrop which made it’s way on to the wish list!
2. If you visit to Karen’s blog you can see her progress on Heavens Above from Midsummer Night Designs. Looking at the full design, I’m not sure about the full design, the verse and the angel put me off slightly, but I do like the rest and the colours look wonderful on Karen’s. It’s not getting on to the wish list just now, but it wouldn’t be too hard to adapt the design to only stitch the top half and perhaps replace the angel with some of the other motifs. Hmm …..
I’ve probably also missed out a few that I just haven’t remembered.
And just because I can’t blog without including photos, here’s one from out wet bank holiday, last weekend.

I think this one should be called “The Stitcher’s Apprentice” LOL! He’s actually stitching his own design – a pond with a fountain and the sun shining above. He says I’ve to post photos, a chart and instructions once he’s finished! Unfortunately, my DH doesn’t think stitching a sufficiently masculine pastime, so I wouldn’t hold your breath.
Thanks also to everyone who has been commenting on my blog - I really do appreciate it and at least try to return the compliment. If I haven't caught up with you yet - thanks!
aww how cute!! he looks very concentrated in his stitching :)
you have an apprentice - fantastic
Hey dad ... i know a few other male stitchers, isn't that what the boys in the forces did to bide their time??? LOL
The hidden chart under Red Reindeer is "Sheep 1801" by The Goode Huswife. It's a lovely chart! :D
That's such a cute picture!
The chart I sent Barbara is "1807 Sheep"...not 1801 :)) Don't know if it's still available. I used to have a shop..please email me, if you want a copy. Also, I've put "Heavens Above" on my Hello Neighborhood RR as my topper...stitched the angel in 1 over 1 on 36 ct. I just want to use parts of it, too. I love the colors!
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