Because the flower was based on a free pattern designed and published elsewhere, I hadn't planned to. However, I've come across tutorials for several kinds of felt flower recently, so I thought I'd post links for reference (mine as much as anyone else's!).
- Amy Butler's Snow Mum Pillow - download the pattern free from this page. This provided the inspiration and basic template for the flower I made, mine was just a bit smaller.
- Peony Flower Felt Flower Clip Tutorial - from Yoonie.
- Felt Flower + Yarn Pin Tutorial - also from Yoonie.
- Betz White's Felted Brooch Tutorial
- Felt flower tutorial on WhipUp.net - similar to the Amy Butler flower, but simpler.
- Paper flower tutorial - this flower can be made with felt using the same method.
- Felt dandelion - slightly different, and since I'm not friends with the dandelions in my garden at the moment, I think I'd try a different colour!
- Simple felt daisy from futuregirl.com.
Here's a pic now of something else I've been working on over the last couple of weeks.

It's inspired by some of the things I've seen on Flickr recently. It was meant to be for Iona's birthday, but thanks to the pillow I made for my sister, I've been running a bit late with it! The lettering is finished, I just have to find some suitable backing fabric as I don't like any of the stuff I have lying around at the moment. I'm going to put it to one side for the moment as I suspect I'll find something useful in my stash, once I can get at it again. (We have made a small dent in all the stuff in the bedroom, but not enough to be able to get at the things that are supposed to be in the room!)
And can anyone tell me where to find some more time? Some days I feel like ideas and plans are bouncing around inside my head, fizzing out my ears. But with no more than an hour or two stitching/crafting per day, I just can’t keep up - it gets sooo frustrating!