I bought the pattern as I thought they could be something cute to give Iona for her birthday, but after wandering round town unable to find a birthday gift for a friend I've made them for her birthday too!

The pattern is from stripeyblue on etsy. I still have to make Iona's and now Alexander has decided that he wants one too - I had thought he might prefer a Yoda or some other Jedi, but no, a cute blue bunny it is!

I'm also having a go at the 2009 12in Block-a-month CAL on Ravelry, and having finally remembered to take the patterns home, I whipped up my Mandala square for January.

Now the challenge is to try and complete more of the CAL squares before the end of 2009!
I'm just noticing now how much the internet is changing and inspiring my crochet. This happened with my stitching about 3 years ago and now the crochet is catching up. I've known how to crochet since I was a child, but never did much beyond granny squares, and rarely did enything that used a specific pattern. Oddly, I find it easier to make it up off the top of my head with crochet than with stitching. But at the moment the internet is really broadening my crochet horizons!
And the clocks have changed, so I can even take photos during the week now! LOL