I read a discussion somewhere, can't remember where, about how some people use the odd cut off ends of yarn for stuffing toys. And as I was chucking some odd threads into my jar for the Totally Useless SAL, I had the sudden thought to make something at the end of the year and stuff it with all the odds and ends from my jar.
What do you think? I have absolutely no idea what it will be yet, but it will me made specially for that purpose and to celebrate the 2009 TUSAL! Anyone like to join me?
Having just checked the TUSAL info, I think if you've got any old needles in among your SAL contribution, you might want to remove them before stuffing them into something! The same goes for floss labels and other harder or oddly shaped stuff. Although it might make for an interestingly shaped and textured object - LOL!
Here's my (better late than never) May contribution to the SAL.
And here's one with a better shot of the jug I use for the photographs.
I have to confess that this jug is a good glass one that I got from my Mum or Granny when somebody was having a clear out and it's far too nice to be used as an ort container. It lives in my display cupboard and only comes out on special occasions (like TUSAL photos).
My normal, unseen, ort jar is an empty Bonne Maman jam jar - I love empty Bonne Maman jam jars - I use them all over the place!