I will send a stitchy gift to 3 lovely people who sign up for my PIF by leaving a comment on this post. In return, you should also offer a PIF yourself.
I'm really looking forward to doing this. I don't think I'll be sending out any PIFs before Christmas, but I'll start planning and try to get them done before baby comes along in April!
In other stitchy news, I picked up MTM again a couple of weeks ago and am now nearly finished part 2. I'm very pleased and I've really enjoyed stitching on it. Here's how things stood last Sunday morning - I've finished the outer gold box now, so only the backstitching and beads to go!

My chart for Paradigm Lost has now arrived for the Snowbird's SAL. And I finally ordered my fabric and floss for it. I can't believe how long it took me to decide what floss to use! First, I found a lovely varigated green Anchor thread that I thought would be perfect, but then discovered that it looks like this is an old colour as I can't get enough of the floss for the design! So I had to start looking again.
I've finally settled on a DMC varigated floss in shades of light blue, lilac and grey, fading to white. And I'm stitching on Antique White jobelan. I'm really looking forward to getting started and seeing how the design looks in these colours. All other versions of this design I've seen use darker, stronger colours and I'm really excited to see how it looks in the paler, more delicate colours.
Thanks to everyone who commented on my finished Starflake - I'm glad you all like it as much as I do! And thanks to Anita for pointing out that I neglected to name the designer. For anyone else who's interested, Starflake is designed by Patricia Ann Designs. The grey and pink colour scheme is an alternative colour scheme included with the chart although it is illustrated in the blue/white colours. I just thought the blue/white combination looked too cold.
Now a huge thank you to everyone who congratulated me on my pregnancy! I feel great now that I've told everybody amd am managing to stop going around all the time desperately trying to hold my stomach in! LOL I've been browsing around the web looking into Natal Hypnotherapy which looks interesting. I've also found a lot of info on VBAC which threw me a bit as I'd never considered that there might be an issue with my having had a caesarean last time. And why does everything I read assume that having a caesarean is a bad experience? When I look at my beautiful, healthy, happy son, how could it possibly be anything other than positive?
OOO, your MTM looks beautiful!! Brings back memories of when I stitched this one.... a lot of work, but very worth it :-) I would sign up for your PIF, but I think the ladies I still owe PIFS to would get buggered - LOL!!
I have recently signed up for my first PIF too. I'm quite excited but a bit scared at the same time; if you understand what I mean! Lol!
Love your MTM. It is gorgeous.
Looking forward to seeing your WIP pics on PL.
MTM is looking fantastic!!
Your MTM is just stunning...It will be a beautiful work of art once complete!
I have 3 beautiful children brought into the world via C-section. My first was natural, and it was a quicker recovery of course. But my sweet twins were breech and plus it was a bit of an emergency to get them born, so a c-section was needed. The recovery was longer, but my stomach was also stretched like a cow (*not* kidding!) :) I chose to have a c-section with my last baby because I was stretched to kingdom come with the twins and I didn't want to chance it. So I can relate :)
Congratulations on your PIF sign ups. :) And your MTM is stunning!
As for C-sections, I think they get a worse rap than they deserve. Focus on the positives and don't let the negative press get you down!
MTM is beautiful Lesley! Good luck with your PIF, i have too many other projects on the go to sign up unfortunately!
Have a great weekend :)
I had each of my two boys differently. The first came out the good old fashioned way and the 2nd by planned C-section. (He was 10 lb 11 oz!) The C-section was such a blessing. Do whatever is best for you and your baby!! It will all work out.
And the MTM is wonderful! I have not yet been brave enough to take one of hers on.
Hey, a c-section saved my sister's life, so do what's right for you and your baby! Our teen next door is preggie, I can't wait to hold her new baby, she's 19, so young! My son wants so badly to take care of her. oh well, the baby isn't ours, so I'm glad about that. Teens.
Sorry, rambling!
Congratulations on your pregnancy!!! How exciting for you and your family.
And whatever achieves a safe and healthy outcome for the both of you is the best I think.
Your MTM is a gorgeous piece!
Love your MTM. Jessica wants to sign up for your PIF, Lesley, if it's ok. She'll post a note on my blog to invite her 3 PIFers next week!
Hugs, Deb
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