This is the view I have to look out on while doing my stitching –

The hill is Quothquan Law. Behind me and beyond a row of houses and some fields is Tinto.

The stitching you may have noticed is Medieval Town Mandala. Despite having part 2 of St Petersburg to work on, I didn’t particularly want to dismantle and transport my huge scroll frame, so MTM it is this week. I’ve now completed part 1, despite a little confusion over the backstitching (despite looking at both colour and black and white charts, I still wasn’t completely certain how it worked). The fountain also took me 3 goes.
Anyway, I’m now making excellent progress on part 2, after checking other stitchers’ work on the Internet to be sure it really does come so close to part 1. I’m not entirely certain of the benefit of the gold backstitching round the blue flower beds in part 1 when the gold border, although a different shade of gold, lies so close in part 2.

Finally, the doting mum takes over as we climbed Tinto this morning. It’s the first time my 6 year old son has done anything like this and I’m very proud of him!

It’s the cairn on top of Tinto that the Tintock Tap rhyme refers to.
Beautiful stitching and beautiful views! I have family very close by to tinto
what fabulous views!! I don't think I'd get any stitching done, I'd be sitting looking out of the windows all day lol
what a beautiful place, i wouldn't want to come back south LOL
beautiful stitching, not seen this one before
congrats to your son
Oh, beautiful view. I love MTM, it looks fantastic. I am stitching St. Petersburg too and need to finish part 1. I am stitching too many things. Ann.
I know Tinto and my DH's parents live in North Lanarkshire. Pretty stitching and view :-)
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