Friday, September 24, 2010


Remember this? I blogged about it in February.

Plastic canvas box

I wasn't too happy with the way the sides worked out.

The bit that annoys me

Well, over the 14 weeks since Niamh was born, it has gradually become this.

Plastic canvas box

And I'm much happier now. Now it looks like the box I wanted to make. And reworking it was fun, and I got away with reusing the thread I used in the previous version without needing to buy any more.

Plastic canvas box - side view with crochet lining

I'm especially pleased with the box lining which I crocheted. After a quick look round, I couldn't find any fabric I wanted to line the box, so I crocheted the lining as I has some conveniently coloured cotton yarn. In fact, I think the lining has to be my favourite part of this box now!

Plastic canvas box with crochet lining

Now I can hardly wait to start Twilight Pearls this evening!