Monday, January 04, 2010


Well, that’s just what happens sometimes when life catches you out. And I was certainly caught out big time in the middle of November! At the end of October I has a tummy bug which seemed to take it’s time clearing up. By mid November, I was still feeling a bit rough and combined with one or two other things, planned to visit my doctor to get things sorted out. I just had one thing I needed to check before I saw the doctor.

And that was the point when, to my (and my DH’s) enormous shock, I discovered that I’m pregnant. It’s completely unplanned and unexpected. I would have thought that my body would have struggled to achieve this considering my age and the contraceptives! Whoever it was that said that it’s practically impossible to get pregnant after the age of 40 had obviously never met me. So I’m now at 16 weeks and baby’s due 21 June.

I’m still not entirely sure how I feel about having another child. Until now, I had no plans to do that at all. While, in theory, I’m quite happy to be pregnant, I think I’m just very unsure about how this one will fit in to my family. Long term, we’ll all adjust and we’ll be fine. But in the short term, I’m just rather unsure about it all.

So there I was, mid November, suffering from constant nausea that completely turned me off many things including stitching and any other crafty activity, and blogging too. Fortunately, the nausea started to clear around mid December so it didn’t spoil Christmas. But I’m not completely back to normal yet, and not overly enthused by stitching, although I have completed my first stitchy finish for the year!

And I do know that I certainly don’t want to stop blogging, although for now, I may be a very intermittent blogger.

And a really should say a huge thank you to everyone who left such lovely comments on my Bluebird box, even though the thought of the box still makes me want to throw up!