I've to list 7 interesting facts about myself and then pass the award on to 7 other bloggers!

She's now anxiously waiting for me to post 7 wierd and wonderful facts about myself. I've been racking my poor cold-befuddled brains all morning to think of 7 things and I have to confess that I've struggled - I'll blame the cold for that one! But I did, finally, come up with some vaguely interesting things.
- I am an expert in catching colds – you can just about guarantee that for every cold that comes along, I’ll catch it!
- I have two sisters and one brother, and despite the fact that my mother knits, I am the only crafty person in the family.
- I once took part in a preliminary study into the relationship between asthma and pre-eclampsia.
- I love Iain (M) Banks novels.
- One of my ambitions is to climb all 283 Munros. Fifteen years ago, I climbed 8 of them - Sgorr Dhearg and Sgorr Dhonuill (Beinn a' Bheithir), Ben Nevis and Carn Mor Dearg, Ben Vorlich and Stuc a' Chroin, Beinn Ime and Beinn Narnain. And sometimes I get a bit geeky about them. And I'm jealous of my youngest sister who has climbed about 50.
- My all time favourite food is apple crumble! I made some yesterday and it was scrummy!
- Most of the time I hate cooking - too much like hard work, unless I'm making something I like for a little bit of fun!
So there you go!
I'm now supposed to tag 7 other poeple. How to choose just 7? For a bit of variety, I've decided to pick the blogs of 7 of my Flickr contacts.
I also want to mention that Mary at M DESIGNS: Stitching With a View is having a giveaway on her blog which will include this year's JCS Christmas ornie issue! Pop along and have a look!