Photos of my current cross stitch WIPs.
Nantucket Rose from Lavender & Lace. I probably started this one over 6 years ago, before I had my son. I only picked it up again after Easter this year when it was a bit mildewed and rusty after having been left on a frame in a cold cupboard.
I stuck it in the washing machine inside a pillow case along with some other stuff and it came out pretty well. I've made some good progress on it since then, having done all of the skirt and parts of the sides.
The photo was taken about 2 weeks ago and is getting a bit out of date as I've finished the skirt now.

My son is mad on dinosaurs just now, so I've started some of them for him too. There will eventually be 4 of them together.
I'm currently in a rush to finish
Nantucket Rose so that I can get on and start on some other stuff. I'll post a list of my 'Virtual Stash' at some point!