Well, last time I blogged, I did say that I had Important Monkey News to report.
Monkeys have never been entirely absent from my life since ZeroX-1 came along just over 3 years ago. He leads a fairly laid back life, living in Alexander’s bed and guarding Alexander’s (vitally important) shawl (ie. comfort blanket) when Alexander’s not there.
Occasionally, he comes for outings with us, like the time I mentioned previously when Alexander and Iona both ended up in tears fighting over him in the school playground.
At that time, thinking back to the halcyon days of
007’s adventures with monkeemaker, I looked up monkeemaker on Flickr and sent a brief message reporting our monkey troubles.

(Pic borrowed from monkeemaker's Flickr photostream.)I was astonished to receive a reply suggesting that 007 might like to come and live with us to support ZeroX-1 in his predicament! Of course I answered in the positive and shortly after a parcel arrived at our house emblazoned with monkee insignia.
This arrival was very timely, with just time to open the parcel before braving the school run. In fact, I was given little chance to have anything to do with the opening, one small bossy person and another, nearly the same height as me but considerably less bossy, taking over entirely.
Joy was unbounded as not one, but two monkees emerged, ready for action.
007 and Lily the Pink.

I'm very pleased to say that 007 and Lily the Pink immediately settled into our chaotic household and made themselves at home. Although 007 does occasionally seek refuge in the relative calm of my bedroom.
007 and ZeroX-1 instantly became fast friends and have spent many a happy hour playing table tennis together.

Think this must be one of those 'Spot the ball games' ....
Lily the Pink proved a much more excitable type and instantly became fast friends with Iona. The two of them have since spent many a happy hour throwing themselves around the trampoline in the back garden.

Meantime, Niamh has inherited Titch . . . . at least, until next time I dig out the knitting needles!