I've made a good start to my project from Pretty Little Patchwork - my first (mini) quilt!

I really was surprised how difficult I found this, discovering how useless I am at sewing a consistently straight seam with my sewing machine - my sewing machine and I had quite a battle over it! I realised half way through that this is probably the biggest project I've ever attempted with my sewing machine, so it's hardly surprising it's far from perfect! But I think I've finished the hard bit now and just have to put on the border and then put it all together with the back and the batting. We'll see how that goes!
I also made this as a gift for someone, but am just giving a sneak peak until she's received it.

I've also had another award! This time from Cheryl!
I think I've seen these awards on just about every blog I've visited recently, so I'm not going to pass it on to anyone specific, but if you haven't had one, then consider it awarded to you!
It's lovely being at home now that my son is on holiday - I could really get used to the 6 weeks summer holiday! My parents were both teachers so they also had the long summer holiday. When I go back to work, I'll maybe ask about working term time only, but it depends on the childcare arrangements for Iona, so I'll have to wait and see. At least going back to work is still a long way off!
During the week my son and I visited Wistow maze which was really good - my son has been with friends in previous years, but I hadn't been before. The worst of it was the hot weather which I've been finding very wearing, but at least it's cooler now!
We go away on holiday in a couple of weeks, so I'm starting to plan my stitching for the break and to think about what I'm going to make for the Stitchers' Angel swap - plenty to keep me busy!